Oil Paintings
Vintage Collectables
Ruby roses with green & gold background
Nasturtium Vase 9" high
15" Tall Pitcher with cherries in pink and yellow
Umbrella stand with yellow & ruby roses 16"tall and 8"wide
12" Vase, white Background & luster geraniums with gold on inside and out
Sunflowers on a Vase
Pansies on a Cache Pot
Raised Gold Sunflowers
Morning Glories on a Limoges Hinged Box
Pink Roses on a Plate with Silver Trim
Candy Dish with Butterflies (Patrizia Arvieri design)
Box with Pink Roses
6 Piece Tea Set
Stein with Bramble Berries
Dramatic Pink Roses on a Vase
Berries on a Three Footed Cache Pot
Berries on a Large Pitcher with a Soft Green Background
Fish in a Net
Cake Plate with Attached Stand
2 Piece, Three Footed Cache Pot with Multi-Colored Roses